
Green Side Up


It has been far too long since I have written on this blog. I have had an odd few months and neglected not only this blog but my personal foray into horticulture as well. I may or may not have mentioned this but I teach horticulture. I teach a bunch of courses to Horticultural Apprentices and High School students through a dual-credit program. I love sharing information with people. I love teaching and I love learning.

The other thing you may want to know is I live in Milton Ontario Canada. It’s a chilly place in the winter. Its minus 8 degrees celcius today but sunny. I love winter but I love spring even more. The next 8 weeks or so are very exciting for me and I hope I can share that excitement with you.

What I am going to try to do with this blog as I re-invent myself is write at least 4 times a week about something interesting – at least to me – that is going on around me.

To start off, I’ll show you a photo of the interior of my oven. This is my low technology germination chamber. I leave this “stuff” in there to germinate or break dormancy. My light stand is in my basement and there it is quite cool. I get stuff started here and then move it downstairs. I can also see with the camera flash that I didn’t wipe the back wall of the oven off well last time I cleaned it….. No comments PLEASE!

What I have in the “germination chamber” right now is ginger, turmeric, a dahlia tuber and some basil seed and some citrus seed. I keep the door closed and the oven light on. Keeps everything warm and with the door closed, the temperature doesn’t fluctuate.

I also planted up the geraniums I stored over winter. Old school is to dig the geranium up and let it all dry out to plant the next spring. I potted them up and they are on the light stand. I’ll post photos of those later.

So I’d better end it off there. It’s a short blog but I have to go to work. My plan over the next few posts is to show you some different things you can plant early and grow in your garden later. I will show you based on what I already have, seeds – all sorts of different ones, tubers, transplanting, cuttings, and maybe even more! I’ll post photos of my banana (let’s keep it clean folks!) and my fig (again, I’m talking plants here!

I have two business that I need to operate to keep my garden going. To that end I must draw this to a close as I am writing this blog at lunch!

Take care and keep the green side up!

As always, if you have any questions please contact us.

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