Flowers in Spring!

We love designing and planting spring gardens for our clients. Spring flowering bulbs are a delightful addition to any garden, bringing vibrant colors and life after the dormancy of winter. Popular varieties include tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses, each offering unique hues and forms. These bulbs typically planted in the fall, allowing them to establish … Read more

Fall Lawn and Garden Thoughts

Fall is an important time for lawns and gardens.   In general, fall is a great time to plant perennials, shrubs and trees. The later in the season we get, the greater the chance of “frost heave” with newly planted items. If you fall plant in October onward, please, please, please put a thick layer … Read more

The Spring Garden – Planted in the Fall!

Spring Garden

Every spring the landscape wakens with the wonderful colours of spring flowering bulbs. We all know them; tulips, daffodils, crocus…. and so many more.

April Pruning

Spring is here. What an odd year we are having. The COVID-19 isolation is hurting many people very profoundly. Our business is hurting. But I’ll tell you something. I would rather be hurting in my business than be sick – or worse. And I would rather be at home than run the possibility of infecting … Read more