Flowers in Spring!

We love designing and planting spring gardens for our clients. Spring flowering bulbs are a delightful addition to any garden, bringing vibrant colors and life after the dormancy of winter. Popular varieties include tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses, each offering unique hues and forms. These bulbs typically planted in the fall, allowing them to establish … Read more

Weed barriers – Hate them or Hate Them

Why Weed Barriers Do Not Work: Why I despise them! Weed barriers, also known as weed mats or landscape fabric, are (unfortunately) commonly used in gardening and landscaping theoretically to prevent weed growth. These barriers are designed to block sunlight and limit the availability of nutrients to weeds (and your garden plants), thereby reducing their … Read more

Fall Lawn and Garden Thoughts

Fall is an important time for lawns and gardens.   In general, fall is a great time to plant perennials, shrubs and trees. The later in the season we get, the greater the chance of “frost heave” with newly planted items. If you fall plant in October onward, please, please, please put a thick layer … Read more

Spring Pruning of Conifers

These are the candles on the Dwarf Scots Pine.

I have to say we are at the end of the time to complete this garden task BUT complete it we must. What I am about to share with you is a pruning technique called candling. This process needs to be completed before the growth starts to harden off. This is a photo of some … Read more

Weed Barriers and Landscape Fabric

Weed Barrier and why it is BAD – and doesn’t work…  AKA – Landscape Fabric, Geotextile.  And what you should do instead….    As a landscaper, I always dread each time a client asks us to install weed barrier. Landscaping brings a lot of challenges and weeds in gardens are among the greatest. Too many … Read more

The Spring Garden – Planted in the Fall!

Spring Garden

Every spring the landscape wakens with the wonderful colours of spring flowering bulbs. We all know them; tulips, daffodils, crocus…. and so many more.

The Lawn Bandits

Healthy Lawn

ban·dit /ˈbandit/ noun a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area. “the bandit produced a weapon and demanded money” The bandit I am referring to are the ne’er-do-wells running around conning people into aerating their lawn. The weapon they use is “fear of loss” – your … Read more